I Tell You

i was really in love with him
my day and night was full of him
he was my favorite subject to talk about
and i used to cry about him every night
i did anything just to be close to him
he was the reason for the tear drops on my pillow
and i was wondering if he ever think about me
i was hoping that one day he’ll be mine
but for now,
it’s all gone
i drive alone, and the memories spin in my head
i tell you, this love is disappear
but he still remain in every way
we’re close than ever before
i tell you once again
love is not always owning, indeed
love can be transformed in any kind
don’t really remove the love you have
but keep it in your heart
just in case he need it
and i tell you, we’re in love…
but in different case
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I fell in Love

i fell in love but couldn’t reach him i fell in love but maybe with a wrong person i fell in love but he was too far i fell in love but all the way was forbidden i fell in love but fate didn’t speak i fell in love but that was not a love story i fell in love and there was a story about l...
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see, this sky is so bright so nice and so wide is there someone is looking for me like i’m looking for him is there someone waiting for me like i’m waiting for him i realize day in and day out though i’m looking fine outside i’m worried inside this world is amazing indeed but it will be more wonderful if there someone beside me God, give me strength to wait until the time which i do not know...
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Living in te Clouds

look at that girl
she’s living in the clouds
one day i go up there
perhaps she need something
and she told me her secret
she hates down there
she hates reality
clouds and dreams is more real for her
i said to her that she needs to come down
and she said, maybe one day
one day she will come down
but i know, she never will
because she’s living in her own dream
the dream that she couldn’t reach
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I'm Sorry

i’m sorry, i’m supposed to focus on you not me anymore i’m sorry, i was expected to much on you i promise, it won’t happen again i’m sorry, i don’t like when you’re under depress so, please share with me maybe i could help i’m sorry, i do fantasy when you’re sad and i’m sorry, if i pray for your best every nig...
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How r U?

how are you? i wanna know, really it’s been a week we didn’t speak what do you feel i wanna know, really do miss me? cos i miss you do you still feel the pain or it’s getting better? how are you? it’s been a week we didn’t make a call or mess...
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This Emptiness

take me to the crowd where people scream each other or fly me to the outer cosmos where we can find space war bring me thousand of truck and tell them to hit the horn but nothing. nothing can fill up my empty hollow i’m missing something needing something and wanting something but can’t find any word to explain what i don’t have any idea what it should be even i can’t imagine what it is tenderness… purity… acceptance…...
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We uded sit and share

i remembering all those happy days
when we were together happilly
we always got a time just to sit down
then talked and laughed for hours
forgetting what had happen for a while
even just sit in a silent and stared at you
didn’t make it any awkward situation
precisely, that just made a right feeling for me
watching you played that guitar
humming for a song
and when i closed my eyes, i felt standing in the cloud
you were the only one who can made me feel so fine
made me feel so great, whereas my world turns upside down
i can’t find anyone like you anywhere else
please come back to me
even though i know time flies away
could you please come home and bring back all the memories
my heart tear up apart, just to see you in a photograph
i miss that old times, i miss our hours
i miss those chairs and that guitar you played
i miss your humming voices that made that song just sweet
please come back, come back to me
come back to the times we had together
i can’t be lonely here and sit down
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Together is Harmony

    God gave us a gift and everyone has a different gift and we have to believe on it believe that it’s just not for us we should share it so that people who don’t have yours will feels like they have and that will be great on earth if we share each other happiness warmth and love so in this world there’s no thing called “lonely” anymore for you and I stand together in harmony
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Where You at, GOD?

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I don't want....

i don’t want to fall in love again. i don’t want to be a victim of fall in love again. because i’m tired of wondering, i’m enough with questioning, i’m too lazy to ask the same old story, and i don’t know if i could believe in dreams again. i don’t want to fall in love again if it just keep me waiting in vain again. i don’t want to fall in love again if it just keep me imagine of what could be if i end up happy. i don’t want to...
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i know a girl. she’s living day by day. every night she fell asleep with a faith that someday her dream will come true. and here she is, with another day to live alone. her smile is beautiful. but though she smiles, there is something just hiding, and she even can’t find a way to relate. every day, she just goes unnoticed, as the destiny and fate passes by. and she will always pretend to be busy, when inside she just wants to cry. and in the end, she will whisper into her deepest heart, hope someone care enough to hear. take a little look at the life of Miss Lonely. look a little harder that she’s just hungry for love that most people talking about. and please look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day when love will find her. and when people celebrate their love, she’s just in her room, writing all over her wall with her deepest feeling inside. while people smile greeting their love, she’s just in her room, crying alone and no one hear and understand. and when everyone is fall in love, she’s just in her room, in the middle of the night, praying to God, asking when her time will come around.
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Good Morning Loneliness

everyone around me say that they love me
but you know that it’s not what i mean
a man with a real love and open heart
someone who can bring me up high
and take me to the deepest life
he who can liven up all of my dreams
that’s all i need
cos i’m too tired of calling his name
too pathetic to imagine all of it
i’m just too embarrassed to admit it
i’ve been walking too far
and i always leave my window open
in case he’ll come in the rain
i watched many people around me
but they couldn’t replace my loneliness
i screamed all the pain
but no one comes to be my remedy
so i’ll just talk to my self
chill with my tears
play in an empty space i have
and i’m wishing love to come
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My days will full of color..

it’s not a short time
but we can’t call it a long time
nineteen years i was struggling with myself
tried hard to know who am i
pushed myself just to find what i really want
i’m a dreamer, a visionary girl
and i’m an easy going person
who live my life day by day
forget about yesterday, enjoy what today’s bring
and surrender what will happen in tomorrow
i’m God disciple, and grow in servanthood scope
i’m a best friend for my neighborhood
i’m an organizer. i’m good in organize people and event
moreover, i really like to do that
thirtythree years
i found myself like the entertainment things
i love writing, i love producing, i love dreaming, i love songs and movies
i’m a girl who likes perfection
and still, i’m trying to understand myself
for my voyage has just begun
no mountain too high, and no river too deep
i will crawling, until my feet can walk
then i will run, until i’m strong enough to jump
and you will see me fly, fly high
changes here, and changes there
but i will remain still as a girl you know
an ordinary girl with a wish
a wish to live in smiles everyday
whatever life will bring
there’s nobody can stop me smiling
it’s not a really long time for me
because finally, the journey will start begin
begin at the day after thirtyy three
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Wram Wishes

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      she was very independent she did all things alone and go anywhere by herself but, small thing touched her heart apparently, she can’t do all things alone small thing touched her soul she needs something beautiful to approach cause she have to be treated like other girls she needs someone to hold her hand, when she can’t even reach she needs someone to make her smile, when she can’t find it anywhere else cause, she have too much dream, so that she can’t see where’s the reality too much quiteness and forlorn, so she can’t meet the real happiness too much waiting, so she can’t stands anymore and too much hope, so that she forgot what time is it can someone shows her the way to the end of the earth maybe she can find a thing called love there cause if her time has come, at least she has ever seen it even though she can’t feel it that would be enough for her, to answer all of her wonder if only i have someone here
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Crying and Alone

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Home in Winter

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Natural Sense

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Crying Girl

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Wram tea

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Natural Sense

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love Heart

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Natural Sense

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Natural Sense

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